Project #3 - Student Immigration Response

 Immigration has Helped Canada

Immigration has had a significant impact on Canadian history since Canada is a country forged by immigrants since its beginnings when the French came to WW1-WW2 in which many Canadians whether born or not sacrificed themselves for the country, a sense of all being a huge family not mattering where you come from emerged. Canada is Canada thanks to immigrants.

We are all aware that immigration benefits Canada in terms of diversity, economic growth, labor force, demographic trends, and innovation. Consider how many inventions have been invented by immigrants who have a different perspective and thus new ideas. In this regard, Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland and studied in Canada before becoming a Canadian citizen. He invented the telephone after being inspired by the prototypes of Antonio Meucci, an Italian immigrant to America. We can see how immigration and diversity attract breakthrough inventions, which is pure creativity.

Speaking of economic development, a great example is Shopify. You have probably heard of Shopify as it is a well-known e-commerce platform. 1.7 million businesses use it with its market valuation reaching $140 billion. Its creator is Tobias Lutke, a German who immigrated to Canada as a teenager. Shopify has generated thousands of jobs this helping the economy flow an and many people!

English and French are the official languages of Canada. Since, the French people arrived and established in Canada more especifically in Quebec. Canada has over more than 200 languages spoken and a diverse population of individuals of various ethnicities. In comparison to other countries with only one official language, Canada's dual status demonstrates the country's variety. There are several fairs in Canada commemorating the origins of each group of people, as well as festivals celebrating multiculturalism because even Canadian law protects immigrants and the country's diversity. Winnipeg has a great multiculturalism festival👀

Canada has a low birth rate, so immigrants are crucial to maintaining a stable population. In 2019, 25% of Canada's population was born outside of Canada, this is a significant percentage. If there were no immigrants Canada would face serious problems such as an aging population, and working-age-adult shortages. In this graph we can see the total fertility rate of Canada from 1926 to 2011 where we see how really Canada has a low fertility rate and is because living in Canada is expensive, there is lots of inflation so people really have to plan if having a baby is convenient for them. Also this new generations don't really wanna have children, they prefer having pets.

Donald Wetmore was born in the United States and then moved to Canada. He is known as a forerunner in cell biology and developmental biology areas. He is well-known for his work on the genetic basis of cancer and its progression/development. He earned his PhD from the University of Toronto in Canada. Canada is a country with excellent education, which draws a large number of immigrants who later enter the labor force. So yes, immigration has helped Canada :)


  • Dr. Donald E. Wetmore, JD: Training leader healthcare expert. Healthcare Training Leader. (n.d.).
  • Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, October 29). Tobias Lütke. Wikipedia.

  • Erudera, A. (2023, October 20). What languages are spoken in Canada?,200%20different%20languages%20are%20spoken.

  • Wikimedia Foundation. (2023b, November 24). Alexander Graham Bell. Wikipedia. 
