
Project #3 - Student Immigration Response

 Immigration has Helped Canada Immigration has had a significant impact on Canadian history since Canada is a country forged by immigrants since its beginnings when the French came to WW1-WW2 in which many Canadians whether born or not sacrificed themselves for the country, a sense of all being a huge family not mattering where you come from emerged. Canada is Canada thanks to immigrants. We are all aware that immigration benefits Canada in terms of diversity, economic growth, labor force, demographic trends, and innovation. Consider how many inventions have been invented by immigrants who have a different perspective and thus new ideas. In this regard, Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland and studied in Canada before becoming a Canadian citizen. He invented the telephone after being inspired by the prototypes of Antonio Meucci, an Italian immigrant to America. We can see how immigration and diversity attract breakthrough inventions, which is pure creativity. Speaking of economic